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Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs

Defending the Constitution in your local community

Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs

Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney has publicly stated that "...we are the federal government...." in an article published in the Idaho Statesmen. In addition to that, he opposed a bill going through the Idaho Legislature that would have given state cover to any sheriffs who would oppose the federal government. When two Idaho state representatives called him on his actions and required that he registered lobbyists he had sent to the statehouse, he responded by going after both of them. One of them had a past that he was able to leverage in a very public manner, the other he has accused of ethics violations. This represents a severe breach of trust and he has proven that not only will he not uphold our Constitutional rights, but he will use his political power to go after anyone who opposes him or attempts to limit his power. For this reason Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs gives him the lowest rating possible with a Recall or Replace rating.

We currently have not identified anyone to run against Sheriff Raney in either a recall attempt or in a future election. If you know of someone who would make a good candidate then please feel free to leave us a tip on our tipline page.

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