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Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs

Defending the Constitution in your local community

Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs

Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs website is designed to be a one-stop place where citizens in the state of Idaho can see if their sheriff, or candidate running for sheriff, has pledged to uphold the Constitution, rather then the whims of the Federal Government. On this site you can view candidate and officeholder stances as well as share news you have gathered.

You can also visit us on our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter. We will work to keep you updated on all the latest news and information, but we need your help. Go to our Tipline page to update us on your county. All tips will be followed up on and verified.

It is no secret, and no surprise that the federal government is vastly over-reaching it's power and usurping authority that belongs to state and local governments. While some in these state and local offices have simply gone along with the federal government's mandates, others have chosen to exercise both their constitutional right and their authority to fulfill their oath of office - in other words, they have agreed to fulfill their promise to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Just because an elected sheriff is from your local area does not mean that they are necessarily going to stand with you and with the Constitution. Being in Idaho doesn't guarantee that a person is liberty-minded. One local sheriff recently publicly declared, "....we are the federal government..." Unfortunately, this sheriff isn't the only one who thinks in these terms. Those elected law enforcement officials who have this mindset represent a real danger to us. We have a multitude of examples from history of people who just went along with whatever the government told them to do, and as a result were involved in horrible atrocities.

Our goal is to encourage our elected law enforcement officials to stand by their oath of office and to recognize that sometimes the enemies of our Constitution do not come from the outside, but rather from the halls of power in Washington DC. If our local sheriffs cannot be encouraged to stand by their oaths then we want to help citizens find others who understand the gravity of our current situation, and will not bend their knees to the pressure of an over-reaching Federal Government.

To this end we are going to be posting as much information as we can about the county sheriffs in each of Idaho's 44 counties. We are going to strive to be accurate, so if you have some information that we don't, then please feel free to pass it along on our tipline page. When you do, pleaes be sure to include references/witnesses so that we can verify this information. We understand that we could be affecting someone's political career so we want to be sure that we do not post things that are not true. Your help in providing accurate information is key.

Finally, we don't just want information on what sheriffs are not willing to uphold the constitution, we want to encourage those officers with a liberty mindset to run for public office. If you are in a county where your local sheriff is not part of the Constitutional Sheriffs movement, and you have an idea for a great candidate then please let us know via the tipline page. We would love to see every county in Idaho have a sheriff who understands and upholds the Constitution.

Thank you from the team

Latest News
Dec 10th, 2013

Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs launches a website to help citizens know where the sheriff in their area stands on constitutional issues.

Dec 9th, 2013

The Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs Facebook page has been launched.

Dec 9th, 2013

Follow us on Twitter @IdahoCS,

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