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Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs

Defending the Constitution in your local community

Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs

Here is the list of County Sheriffs and their stance. Click on the county to find more information.

We've had a lot of questions on how we have determined whether or not a county sheriff is a constitutional sheriff or not. Ideally, we would love to hear from the citizens of each county letting us know how their sheriff stands. If you have information on your county please email to our tipline. Encourage your friends and family to do the same. The more involvment we have from local citizens the more accurate we will be.

In the absence of local information we've used the list posted on the CSPOA website. We've already found that there are some sheriffs who are members of the organization, but aren't really Constitutional Sheriffs. This is the reason we would really love your involvment. We want to be as accurate as possible.

We are also in the process of doing a county by county search, but it is time-consuming because we have to verify anything we read. As surprising as it might be to some, the news media is not exactly accurate (ok, turning the sarcasm off now). If you see something that isn't accurate please let us know. We won't be offended and we really want to be accurate. This is also a great opportunity to get involved.

OK, one final thing, I'm sure everyone wants to know how our rating system works. It's really pretty simple. There are only three ratings; Constitutional Sheriff, Needs replaced, and Needs recalled or replaced. Because this system is so simple we want to encourage you to click on the link for each county to find out details. We will include the details of why we gave them this rating. If the sheriff in your county belongs to CSPOA we've given them a rating of Constitutional Sheriff for the time being. That can change if you have verifiable information we can use. We'll still include the detail that they are a member of CSPOA. A rating of Needs recalled or replaced means that not only is the sheriff against the idea of supporting the Constitution, but that they have engaged in illegal and/or unethical behavior. A rating of Needs replaced simply means that they are not a Constitutional sheriff. As we get closer to elections you will see more Candidates began to pop-up. They will simply be labeled as a Constitutional Candidate or a Non Constitutional Candidate. If you've got any questions or comments please email us at our ics address.

  • Ada County
    • Current Sheriff - Gary Raney
      • Rating - Needs recalled or replaced
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Adams County
    • Current Sheriff - Ryan Zollman
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Bannock County
    • Current Sheriff - Lorin Nielson
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Bear Lake County
    • Current Sheriff - Brent Bunn
      • Rating - Needs replaced
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Benewah County
    • Current Sheriff - Dave Resser
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Bingham County
    • Current Sheriff - Craig Rowland
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Blaine County
    • Current Sheriff - Gene D Ramsey
      • Rating - ??
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Boise County
  • Bonner County
    • Current Sheriff - Daryl Wheeler
      • Rating - Constitional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Bonneville County
  • Boundary County
  • Butte County
  • Camas County
  • Canyon County
    • Current Sheriff - Kieran Donahue
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Caribou County
  • Cassia County
  • Clark County
    • Current Sheriff - Bart May
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Clearwater County
    • Current Sheriff - Chris Goetz
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Custer County
  • Elmore County
  • Franklin County
  • Fremont County
  • Gem County
    • Current Sheriff - Chuck Rolland
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Gooding County
  • Idaho County
    • Current Sheriff - Doug Giddings
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Jefferson County
  • Jerome County
    • Current Sheriff - Doug McFall
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Kootenai County
    • Current Sheriff - Ben Wolfinger
      • Rating - Needs replaced
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Latah County
  • Lemhi County
  • Lewis County
    • Current Sheriff - Brian Brokop
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Lincoln County
  • Madison County
    • Current Sheriff - Roy Klingler
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Minidoka County
  • Nez Perce County
    • Current Sheriff - Joe Rodriguez
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Oneida County
  • Owhyhee County
  • Payette County
    • Current Sheriff - Chad Huff
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Power County
  • Shoshone County
    • Current Sheriff - Mitch Alexander
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Teton County
  • Twin Falls County
    • Current Sheriff - Tom Carter
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
  • Valley County
  • Washington County
    • Current Sheriff - Matt Thomas
      • Rating - Constitutional Sheriff
    • Candidate - n/a
Latest News
Dec 10th, 2013

Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs launches a website to help citizens know where the sheriff in their area stands on constitutional issues.

Dec 9th, 2013

The Idaho Constitutional Sheriffs Facebook page has been launched.

Dec 9th, 2013

Follow us on Twitter @IdahoCS.

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